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Teemu Tapanila

CTO of Mallow

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Azure Websites is not only limited into running your normal websites. You can also run WCF Services in Azure Websites.

  1. Login to Azure Dashboard
  2. Choose websites from left
  3. Click new from bottom left, choose Quick Create, type in your url and click Create Web Site
  4. After that your website is up and running
  5. Now open your website settings from Azure Dashboard by clicking the name of it
  6.  You can use either TFS, Github, FTP or Visual Studio to deploy the website. I chose VS
  7.  Now create your new WCF Application project on Visual Studio. Remember tho choose .NET Framework 4
  8. Right click your project and choose publish
  9.  Choose import and then browse to the file you downloaded from Azure Dashboard
  10. Now just click publish
  11. Enjoy of your new service